
Un caffe

The “Bars” in Italy are not like the ones in the United States.  They are not packed with college students, singles, billiards tables, or sports playing on loud televisions.  When we first arrived, that is what I thought they were.  There are probably about 10 to 15 bars in every small town in Italy.  Scandiano… Continue reading Un caffe


Happy 4th Birthday Vance!!!!

My orange wearing, imaginative, bellissimo bambino. I love you to Saturn and back. And then back again. I am both saddened and deeply happy that the 3’s are behind us. Here’s to 4! To the wonders it will bring to your open, inquisitive eyes every single day and the life lessons you will teach Daddy… Continue reading Happy 4th Birthday Vance!!!!


Confraternita dell’Aceto Balsamico

Last Sunday night, we were out with the rest of the town doing the evening passiagata.  It was dark and chilly but not cold by any means.  We were weaving in and out of the small tunnels and archways, finding little nooks and crannies here and there.  The cobblestone streets were causing the stroller to… Continue reading Confraternita dell’Aceto Balsamico