
Wise words

I attend a weekly yoga class at the YMCA, taught by an amazing 70 year old woman named Ine.  It is my favorite yoga class because she is so down to Earth, so amazingly compassionate, so real.  Her sequencing is almost always the same, the traditional Hatha sequence, but she has mastered the art of teaching it.  I leave feeling balanced, at ease, and a little wobbly from all of the exertion on my muscles.

Sometimes she says things that really grab hold of my attention.  The other day, while we were laying on our stomachs after a difficult pose, she said something that struck me like lightening,  The wake up call I needed when I wasn’t being patient with myself or my children,  I wasn’t being grateful for this day, for my strong body, supple muscles, the opportunity to even be here doing yoga on a random Thursday morning.

“Feel your heartbeat.  It is a gift.”

Yes!  It is a gift, and one that we overlook all too much.  Now those words will follow me, will remind me to wake up and be appreciative for one more day in our cozy little corner of the universe.

Photo courtesy of Tumblr

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